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Let's be real. How many of you guys giggle or awkwardly sneak glances every time you pass by a sex toy shop? Chances are, most of us have done this at one point or another. Sex toys are often seen as sleazy or perverted, often eliciting a "What the f$&@" from most people. However, what most people don't know is that sex toys can actually provide ways for couples to spice up their bedroom life as well as form a more intimate connection with each other. (Just ask people from Denmark, according to a recent survey, they're the country with the highest number of people who engage in sex toys*). Today, we provide you with an interview with “L” as she shares her personal experience with sex toys, and what they can actually do for couples.
ilya: Okay, let us start off by asking, how did you first get into sex toys?
L: I didn’t actually buy one at first. Nagregalo lang sakin yung kaibigan ko ng vibrator as a joke (My friend gave me a vibrator as a joke). At first, I wasn’t using it. I would just put it on display in my room for a laugh, but out of curiosity (and horniness hahaha) one day, I tried it out, and I surprisingly I enjoyed it! After that, I did more research on how to use them, what other toys there were, and all that stuff to find out more. I bought my second one when I had my girlfriend already. We’re both the adventurous type, so it was easy for both of us to just go and say, “Game” when the idea of sex toys came up. We decided what we wanted together, and settled on a dildo with a strap-on harness.
ilya: How did you guys go about deciding what toy to buy?
L: Actually, we just talked it over. We had discussions about what I wanted, what she wanted, and what we would like to do together in the bedroom. It was actually a really nice bonding experience because we were sort of getting to know each other in another way again. Sobrang fun siya actually (Actually, it was really fun).
ilya: What was the experience like for you guys when you first tried out the toy?
L: Kind of a mix of funny, sexy, and awkward. Neither of us had ever used a sex toy before, and most of what we knew was from the internet and porn hahahaha. So we had a few awkward and funny starts trying to figure it out (it tooks us awhile to figure out how to actually put the dildo on the harness and make it stay there), but once we did, it was one of the hottest sexual experiences we had ever had. Promise, daig ang init ng Pilipinas sa hot (Promise, it was hotter than even the Philippines weather).
ilya: Did you gain anything from the experience?
L: Definitely. Like I said a while ago, we really had to open communication with each other to find out what we both wanted, and at the same time it was really nice just having fun and laughs while we figured things out together. My girlfriend even jokingly said, “Parang nung simula lang ulit e no” (It’s just like when we first started dating). She said it as a joke, but I kind of agree. I felt the same levels of giddiniess, excitement, and passion this time as I did the first times we had sex. It was definitely a great experience for us, and I felt like I was experiencing a new fondness and appreciation for my partner as well.
ilya: What advice would you give to couples who are hesitant about trying out sex toys?
L: Go for it. Definitely go. They just have to remember that communication is key. Talk to your partner, and be clear about what you guys both want. It might not be for everybody, but one way or another you guys will get something out of it, whether that be a better understanding of yourselves or a really great orgasm.
Source for Survey:
By: AJ Lim
Note: This article has been edited for the protection of our readers (*wink wink*) The views and opinions of the contributor does not reflect that of ilya.