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For most people, mentioning anal sex immediately gets either a) a bunch of hihihis and hehehes b) don’t drop the soap jokes or c) an “ewwww that’s where my poop comes from” reaction. The anus is often one area that most people shy away from when it comes to sexual activities. Often thought of as an activity only for gay men, anal sex often gets a bad reputation for being unsanitary and painful. However, what people don’t know is that anal play can actually be a great source of pleasure for both partner. Today, we explore the wonders of anal sex, and why you and your partner should consider tapping that booty.
Fun fact, the anal walls are rich in concentrated nerve endings that when stimulated, are able to give a feeling of intense pleasure. It has also been accepted as an erogenous zone across many other cultures, which is where the concept of anal play first arose (“Your anus”, 2017). When done right, anal stimulation has been said to trigger the same nerve pathways, and produce the same sensations as a deep-vaginal orgasm, with many women even claiming that it is a deep and powerful sensation (Antonyan, 2015). There is even some research to suggest that women who engage in anal sex have more orgasms in general compared to their counterparts who don’t engage in it (Ley, 2011). But it isn’t just women who are finding anal sex an unexpectedly enjoyable activity. For men, their prostate, a part of the body found in the anus, serves as the male pleasure center, and produces pleasurable sensations equal to that of the clitoris in females when stimulated. Men also say that they find the anal walls, tighter, more slippery, and an overall more pleasurable snug feel than the vaginal walls (Vagner, 2015). So, before you think that all anal sex will do is make you go ow, with the right setting, trying it out might actually make you go wow!
While we’ve outlined all the fun physical benefits of trying out your bun-buns, there are some emotional benefits people can have from anal sex as well. A recent psychological study that looked into experiences of women who have had anal sex found that women who found anal sex pleasurable claimed that they found it more intimate than vaginal sex, and it was something reserved for partners who held a special place in their lives. They also said that they felt closer to their partners after the experience, and that their intimacy as a couple grew after the experience ((Reynolds, Fisher & Rogala, 2014)). Some men also reported gaining emotional benefits from anal sex, saying as though they felt as if they had been able to cross a milestone with their partner, as though the person had finally trusted them enough to experience this with them. Others report feeling a boost in confidence when it comes to their sexual abilities (Vagner, 2015). Findings like this show that anal sex can not only be good for your body, but also for your heart.
Anal sex can be a fun and unique experience for both you and your partner to share with each other in the bedroom. While trying this out is for sure going to be an adventurous experience, it’s important to remember that to keep things pleasurable in the bedroom, the two Cs, consent and communication, should always be present between you and your partner. With the proper communication, and making sure that both parties are a 100% yes to going on the anal train, exploring anal play can be a fun and wild time of growth for both of you in the relationship.
Antonyan, C. (2015). Anal Sex - What Women LOVE About Anal Pleasure. Confident Lovers. Retrieved 19 October 2017, from
Ley, D. (2011). Back Door Psychology. Psychology Today. Retrieved 19 October 2017, from
Reynolds, G., Fisher, D., & Rogala, B. (2014). Why Women Engage in Anal Intercourse: Results from a Qualitative Study. Archives Of Sexual Behavior, 44(4), 983-995.
Vagner, K. (2015). What Does Anal Sex Feel Like For Men? 12 Men Share What It's Really Like To Be Giving Or Receiving. Retrieved 19 October 2017, from
Your anus. (2017). Health24. Retrieved 19 October 2017, from
By: AJ Lim