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This is a short story for the ladies out there who are curious about their well, down there.
I was quite young when I discovered the wonders of masturbation. I was a freshman in college. I had only read the magnificence of the female orgasm through masturbation through fanfiction and some “romance” novels but I had never tried it until one day, I did. Imagine my surprise! Those authors didn’t lie! So I had gone through most of my four years in college just learning how to pleasure myself using my fingers. I never really thought of using a toy. I was a virgin then and I had this grand idea of my future long-term boyfriend/fiancé to be my first. Fortunately, I was too curious for my own good. Peter Parker’s uncle was right in saying that with great power comes great responsibility. I had within my grasp the great power of my amaaaaazing orgasm and I was responsible to myself to either maintain it or make it even better. I’ve always been competitive and so I chose the latter. Let me confess something, I’m a bit of a nerd. I read a lot. I like to research on the internet (Google is your friend, my friends!) about whatever it is I am doing for the very first time. This would be no different! And so one night in my room, I sat down in front of my laptop and read all I could about how girls masturbate. Is one enough? Can I actually fit two? Oh my God…Anyway, I’m getting off track! So, if you’ve been as curious as freshman-me, you would know all about what the internet says about masturbation. After a few more nights of in-depth research, I finally felt prepared enough to actually try it.
Let me tell you, it wasn’t as amazing as I expected. I was disappointed but I did tell you, I was a nerd right? Legit experiments need more than one trial! And so I tried again, recognizing what I had failed to do the first time (PROTIP, LADIES: use lube) and doing better in my following trials. Well, what do you know? Enough stimulation out there induces lubrication. Enough for me to build momentum and go to town! Yay! Experiment successful! I know I should’ve done that the first time, I read enough about it to be sure of that, but what can I say? I was too excited! Sex excites me! It should excite you too! Responsible sex, I should clarify :>
So I encourage you to relax, read, try, experiment, and enjoy! It wasn’t perfect the first time I tried it but boy am I glad I persevered. Because really, orgasms are wonderful. Everyone should experience it at least once (I am seriously hoping more than once!) in their lives. And don’t worry if the first time’s not as you expected it to be, it might take some time. But he best part is once you figure it out, it only gets better from there, trust me!
P.S. I hope you aren’t thinking all I did in college was me and read more about it because trust me, I studied as well. I just like being well-rounded!
By: Anya
Note: This article has been edited for the protection of our readers (*wink wink*) The views and opinions of the contributor does not reflect that of ilya.